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Student Frequently Asked Questions

Student Frequently Asked Questions

  • All current College of Engineering and LSA computer science and data science students at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor are invited to attend the fair. Students who are seeking a summer internship or full-time offer are especially encouraged to attend.

  • Of course! Some companies do offer internships for students the summer right after their first year. Even if the company you would like to work for may not be hiring, or you don't have a specific job opportunity in mind, this is your best opportunity to gain more experience speaking with recruiters.

  • The Career Fair will be on held on September 9th and 10th, 2024 from 10am-4pm.

  • The Career Fair will be held at the University of Michigan North Campus.

  • Keep a look out for our upcoming Student Guide, which will contain advice on how to prepare for the fair.

    Students who experience the most success are most often the ones who prepare far in advance and arrive to the event with clear goals for what they plan to accomplish. 

  • Bring many copies of your resume (more than you expect to need) as well as a digital copy to use as backup or to submit virtually. Business formal attire is strongly recommended. You will not need to bring your transcript or cover letters, although these may be helpful for applying to jobs online.

  • The list of companies attending will be released closer to the time of the fair.

  • Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share.


Approaching the Day of the Career Fair

  • Change the text and add your own content, including any information that is relevant to share.


Approaching the Day of the Career Fair

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